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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Poor Not Included In COVID19 Vacation Plans In The USA

 All over the world the first round of CODIV19 vaccines are slowly being distributed. MANY reports are flooding in that politicians, high level executives, and their families are first in line to get the shot. Next are the 'politically important' people - THAN medical staff and emergency personnel.
 One thing is clear, this vaccine is not cheap. I've seen credible reports that folks are paying anywhere from $225 to $2,800 per shot (total medical bill for the procedure).

 I have been reading the actual "rollout plans" that are in-place for the federal government and several states. None of them have anything regarding people who can not afford the cost (or can not afford the insurance deductibles). To make it more disturbing, it appears that adults with so-called 'coverage' under Medicaid will not qualify to be vaccinated, and will be forced to pay 100% out-of-pocket.

 Despite what politicians say, no one actually gives a crap about the poor who will not be able to get vaccinated due to the costs. It seems like they just want the impoverished to go quietly die.

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