It's only a few days away from 2021, and I am being bombarded with beg-a-thons to help 'preserve cultural heritage and/or enrichment'. They are all aimed at raising funds for live theater.
I went online and looked up the closest 100 theaters/playhouses to where I live, than looked up historical prices for their shows in the range of 2015 to 2019. The cheapest price I could find was $60 for backrow seats!
This is not 'cultural heritage' this is not 'cultural enrichment', this is blatantly entertainment for wealthy elites. No 'working class' person can see the shows due to the astronomically high prices they charge to get in!
In the last year several million working class people have lost their jobs, many of them are unable to find new ones. To make it worse, a vast majority do not qualify for their state's unemployment compensation programs. It is almost a daily occurrence for me to read about yet another foodbank who does not have enough food to give to those most in need. There are hundreds of thousands of people here in the US that are literally starving - the national death rate from malnutrition has spiked in the last 4 months.
Politicians like to talk about 'the problem', but take no real action. People like to repost things they read on social media, but take no action.
The wealthy elites don't give a rat's tail about poor, starving people. All they care about is their entertainment options are being threatened! Donate today to keep live theater open, and let everyone else go quietly die in an alley!
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